Friday, January 3, 2014

Transitions In The Trends And Global Fashion Industry

Fashion, a very popular term used very often to describe anything that describes prevailing styles about clothing, furniture, accessories, makeup etc. It can be described as anything that becomes viral amongst the humans and a subject to follow. The term Fashion is also very popularly used to refer to the newest creations of textile designers. It is often referred to as a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person dresses or to prevailing styles in behavior. While Fashion is mostly used in clothing more generally, it also holds importance in the study of the same. Fashion can widely be classified into three broad types, namely, masculine, feminine & androgynous (a fashion which is a mixture of both the sexes).

Contrary to the fashion industry of a few decades ago, it has undergone a huge transition. In the early 90's, most of the fashion material used to be custom made or hand made, but as the advancements and technological boom took place during the capitalism phase, slowly machines replaced the hand labor, which resulted in better finishing of the goods and even the meaning of selling changed. The industry of today is not just limited to the manufacturing of fashion clothing and fashion accessories, but also holds it's importance in the education sector, selling not just via the traditional methods but also through the popular online shopping websites, media, holds importance in promoting social causes and also has anthropological perspective to it.

Media, in the world of today has a great role to be played when it comes to fashion. Fashion journalism, for example is an important wing of fashion. With the boom of social media websites, almost everybody is aware of the latest around. This 'latest' may refer to clothing, a hotspot for a vacation, popular breed of pets that people are clicking photographs with and posting them on such social media websites. Anything that is trending, in general, is general referred to as a latest trend or latest fashion. With so much of awareness in today's times, and media such as print magazines, television, fashion websites etc. It is very important to be updated with all of them in order to survive in today's world. Right to fashion has almost become a necessity and a fundamental need of every human.

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